Jallas Pharmacy

PGDs available

Welcome to Jallas Pharmacy's Service - PGDs Available

At Jallas Pharmacy, we take pride in offering an array of professional services to cater to your healthcare needs. Our commitment to your well-being goes beyond just dispensing medications; we also provide specialized services like Patient Group Directions (PGDs). These PGDs are an essential aspect of our commitment to safe and effective healthcare.

What are PGDs?

Patient Group Directions, commonly known as PGDs, are a legal framework that allows qualified healthcare professionals at our pharmacy to supply and administer prescription-only medicines (POMs) without a prescription from a doctor. PGDs are developed in collaboration with healthcare experts and are specifically designed to ensure the safe and appropriate use of medications for specific conditions. This means you can access the treatments you need promptly and conveniently, under the guidance of our knowledgeable team.

Our PGD Services:

  1. Flu Vaccinations: Protect yourself and your loved ones from seasonal influenza with our flu vaccination service. Our trained professionals will administer the vaccine following strict protocols to ensure your safety.

  2. Travel Vaccinations: Planning a trip? Our travel vaccination service provides you with the necessary immunizations and advice to stay healthy during your travels.

  3. Emergency Contraception: Our discreet and confidential emergency contraception service provides quick access to the morning-after pill, ensuring your peace of mind during unexpected situations.

  4. Minor Ailments: For minor ailments and conditions, our PGD services allow us to provide suitable treatments and advice without the need for a doctor’s prescription.

  5. Smoking Cessation: Quitting smoking is a challenging journey, and our PGD service offers guidance, support, and suitable medications to help you kick the habit.

  6. Erectile Dysfunction: Our discreet and sensitive approach to addressing erectile dysfunction ensures you receive appropriate treatments and advice without unnecessary delays.

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